Adexa Implementation Methodology (AIM)

Adexa’s highest goal is to enable its clients to be the best that they can be in their respective industry.

We have created industry specific implementation templates that provide the basis for each implementation and deliver business benefits at each stage. We initially deploy a Business Solution Design to ensure a thorough understanding of the goal by all stakeholders. We may deploy either a traditional waterfall methodology or an agile implementation approach or a hybrid approach.


Agile offers a more short-term planning and getting small intermediate results. The other is more of a longer-term plan which is fixed vs flexibility for on-going changes. In reality, most implementations are a hybrid of the two. See below for more detail.

Adexa Implementation Methodology

The Adexa implementation methodology is to ensure an on-time, on-budget and successful deployment of our applications to fully meet our customers’ planning requirements. It is an iterative process of short-term design, build, release and value. An initial Business Solution Design sets the foundation for the 5 phases of the implementation with very detailed attention to quality, training and overall change management. Adexa provides consulting resources with highest relevant skills and experience to support the successful and timely completion of the project and beyond.


Adexa standard implementation methodology

Project initiation

  • Project charter: scope, timeline, resources


  • Business process
  • Adexa model design
  • Interface reports
  • Prototype model
  • Data automation, interface & report development


  • Functionality/scalability
  • Interface unit testing
  • System integration testing


  • End-user training
  • Acceptance, deployment

Quality management
Knowledge transfer/training
Change management