Adexa Supply Chain Planning Blog
Just Add Data – Not Another System
Having S&OP and S&OE as two separate systems does not make sense, it is redundant and costly. Having two systems implies two disjoint systems that do not understand each other’s data model. This results in wrong projection of output, missed delivery commitments, too much inventory and misleading financial projections.
A Supply Chain Digital Twin is No Twin without Attributes
Building a digital twin of your supply chain simply means building a digital model of your supply chain. S&OP solutions do that by making approximations of what the physical supply chain looks like. It gives the appearance of a twin but a fraternal one at best.
Resilient Supply Chain Planning, Opposite of Response Planning
Supply chains need to be digitalized to become resilient not to just react and respond. Predicting potential issues and being ready is very different from virtually running around performing what-if this and what-if that!
Stochastic Planning – A Shift in Paradigm from S&OP
With stochastic planning and ability to learn patterns of behavior we are at a point to know the exact availability of resources, tools, customer and supplier behavior as they change in different seasons, with events or other social and environmental factors.
Ingredients of Supply Chain Digitalization
Digitalization requires a digital twin of your supply chain, i.e. a digital representation of the physical world. Our terminology is a “Digital Mirror” to focus on every little aspect of your environment.
Deployment of Adexa’s latest version of its SCP solutions at Teledyne Dalsa
Dalsa has been using Adexa planning applications for many years to overcome their business challenges such as on-hand inventory reduction, meeting customer requested date and capacity allocation for the demand load and engineering forecasts.
What is a Unified Data Model?
Unified Data Model is more than a so called “single data model.” One single model in memory unlike unified data model cannot expand and contract to lower levels of detail and higher levels of planning.
Adexa Forms a Joint Venture in China
Adexa, Inc., today signed a joint agreement with Qingdao Innovation Institute (QDII) for expansion of its operations in China.
What is an Intelligent Planning System?
Intelligence is a relative concept and hard to define. When it comes to number crunching and speed of calculations, machines do much better than humans. By the fact that we attribute the mathematical ability to intelligence, machines must be very intelligent!
So you want to do autonomous planning
According to a Gartner survey, “in two to five years a quarter of companies plan to be doing some autonomous planning. Over the same period, 97% of companies plan to have some form of automation in their supply chain decision making.”