Attribute-Based Planning

Accurate modeling is critical to creating executable plans. Other than resources and material, there are many other sophisticated constraints that must be considered to generate realistic plans. Some examples are supplier qualification, prohibited materials depending on regulations, texture or shade of the fabric, supplier carbon footprint, range of wavelength for a part#, tolerances, and quality rating of equipment.

All such constraints impact allocation of raw material, WIP and finished goods to orders. Attributes are not just for finished goods. Every object in the supply chain has attributes that must be considered. As your businesses processes improve and the supply chain changes, the system needs to mold itself to the new environment. Adexa is uniquely positioned to effect such changes by use of Attribute-Based Planning. Attributes are used as intelligent constraints, just like an expert system, to guide the search automatically for an optimal and executable plan. Attributes also help to drastically reduce the number of SKUs.


What is Attribute Based Planning?

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