Adexa Innovations

It’s all about leading
into the future

Adexa has consistently been one of
Gartner’s most visionary solution providers
on their MQ

Gartner Peer Insight Review

We have innovated and lead the space for decades being the first in …

  • In-memory computing—since 1994
  • Attribute based planning
  • Unified data model for both S&OP and S&OE—merging planning & execution
  • The use of AI/ML—since 1996
  • ATP/CTP at the factory level not just supply chain
  • Impact-driven planning (IDP)
  • Trimodal planning (black box, grey box and white box)
  • Offering B-SaaS—business solution as a service
  • Digital blueprint to reach higher stages of maturity in supply chain planning
  • Distributed agent architecture (Genies©)
  • Technology to monitor green supply chains

And there is so much more to come!


Gen AI is revolutionizing supply chain management with its superior planning capabilities

Illustration of a bullseye with a checkmark in the center

Supply chains are living entities. As they change their digital twin needs to mimick automatically

Illustration of 3 people with an upwards arrow

Attributes are properties of objects in the supply chain. Without them it would be impossible to have a digital twin!

Illustration of two people being connected by a triangle

In the absence of deep & accurate modeling, it would be impossible to predict reliable delivery dates and financials


Adexa deploys a number of prescriptive algorithms derived from OR & AI to optimize the operation of supply chains

Risk management & resiliency

Rising frequency & magnitude of disruptions, requires capability to predict to be resilient and mitigate risk

Unified data mode

Unique to Adexa, we have the technology for both S&OP and S&OE in ONE unified data model. A continuum for planning & execution


Sustainability is no longer an issue of compliance for most companies but rather a strategic and operational one


Our smart Genies© are distributed agents that can take on business processes to sense, act, inform and learn

Technology that stands
out based on thousands
of years of combined

Our technology is designed to self-correct, self-improve and self-optimize creating smart supply chains of tomorrow

Adexa’s proprietary technology that enables fast and flexible modeling of the supply chain and the ability to adapt to supply chain changes without any additional coding and consulting. With attributes defining every object in the supply chain, the model would be exact and accurate. This is a must for digitization: accurate modeling.

the accuracy with which Adexa models a supply chain leads to plans that are executable, optimal and reliable.

When ABP technology is used, minimal resources are required to model the environment. More importantly attributes help to mold the system to the future business processes and priorities as they change

Virtually every other planning solution only uses S&OP technology based on spreadsheet logic. This result in extensive manual intervention and adjustments of plans which are suboptimal. In contrast, Adexa’s highly-accurate plans are completely self-correcting using ML techniques.

Financials and analytics are embedded in every Adexa planning module, giving end-users at every level their own dashboard to understand the financial consequences of every operational decision, whether it is at the shop floor or global corp level.

Supply chains evolve constantly and static models become increasingly inaccurate over time. Adexa’s Self-Improving Supply Chain© technology allows the system to constantly learn and adapt to its environment. This approach reveals hidden trends which can be leveraged to constantly make good executable plans and deliver on-time at lower cost of operations.

AI technology can detect potential harmful trends before they affect the supply chain.
For example, excess inventory, and impending shortages or even weather conditions that may affect future deliveries. By predicting potential issues, the system can detect likelihood of undesired events, big or small, and make corrections, recommendations or simple warn the users regarding a growing trend.The Adexa “Enterprise Global Planning System” (eGPS) is a comprehensive suite of integrated solutions for supply chain planning intended to minimize cost of operations and maximize delivery performance and service levels. eGPS delivers a robust and intelligent enterprise business planning solution that encompasses both S&OP and S&OE in a unified environment. Adexa provides a local and global view of supply and demand requirements and constraints and the insight needed to optimize them. The result? Greater velocity of doing business and profitability across multi-tiered supply chains.